Wednesday, April 29, 2015

We want you!

My maiden pie from Noli's on Farnam. Have you been yet, hipster?

So hey. You may have noticed I haven't been around here too often lately. Here's why:

1. I got bored with writing chunks of words that were being taken as "reviews," when they were in fact just my experiences. Also disenchanted with semi-anonymously tearing up certain subpar restaurants, because yeah, even that bad Mexican place in the Old Market is owned by someone who tries to make a living off of it.

2. I got busy working on another project I think you'll like. Not going to give away the details yet, but let's just say this one involves actual paper. Pages of it. Like, at least a couple dozen. Bound by a sheet of thicker paper. With words and pictures all over it. Kind of like a blog you can hold in your hand. Wait 'til you see this thing.

Here's what you can do:

Go HERE and tell me all your thoughts on pizza in Omaha. It will only take a couple of minutes. Heck, you can even tell your Facebook friends about it. We would be totally grateful! (I don't know why I said "we" there. To create the illusion this operation is more profesh than somebody typing away on their couch eating Pringles for breakfast?)

And, as a reward that I'm giving you in advance, please read all about the properest way to reheat pizza, and feel free to convert:

Gawker: The Way to Reheat Pizza Is in a Skillet 

You're welcome!

Update: The survey is now closed. Thanks for your responses and stay tuned for the results. 


  1. Wow, it looks so yummy! You know I just love eating out at the local food spots. I attend various food events too. At some popular LA event venues I attended a food event with my sister. The food there was truly very yummy. I would like to attend that event again!
